LifeLight911’s mission is to save lives and build the invisible community of good Samaritans into a nation-wide “mobile neighborhood watch” so that we become a visible and driving force in our society. We are uniting forces with organizations that encourage positive community values and support to a group that is over 130,000,000 strong. To that end, we give 20% of the profits from purchases to customer designated 501(c)(3)s.
Please sign up to support LifeLight911’s mission to change car safety and the world.
By helping us launch our business you will:
If you believe that good samaritans use their strengths for service, not status, and that millions practice the best parts of humanity, please share this link with all your friends and businesses contacts so they can help us all save the lives of real people.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Thank you for signing up as a charitable organization. We will reach out to you shortly about what to expect next.
Thank you for signing up! We will keep you updated with LifeLight911's progress.